
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Celebrating Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Remember there's a 10% off sale for items in my springtime section. I thought to celebrate Earth Day, I'd list some ideas you can be more green in your shop. These are all things I try to do.

Re-use materials if possible. I try not to waste any of my crafting items. Since I use decorative paper and binder's board a lot, I always end up having left over scraps. I keep a big box of scrap paper, even if it's really small pieces, because I figure I can use the items for something. I've used scrap paper to make promotional items, like matchbook notepads, decorating greeting cards and for use in my personal journal and artwork. I've also used leftover binder's board to make mini items.

Reuse mailing materials. Instead of buying mailing materials, you can reuse old mailing materials you have and redecorate it if you're sending an item with it. Honestly, I don't reuse mailing materials for items that sell in my shop because I bought a couple hundred of white mailer envelopes in an ebay bid (to save money) and use those. I almost always save packages I get to reuse though. Even if it's not selling items that sold from my shop, I try to re-use old packages when mailing any sort of package. This is a great tip for people that don't have etsy shops too.

Be creative with old items. In my last entry, I mentioned how I used old children's books I had to make journals. Even though I could have thrown them out or sold them, it's much more fun to create a new item out of them and use your creativity. Even if you don't know what to do with some old items, you can keep a drawer or a box to save items that might make interesting crafts somedays.

Buy locally. In general, buying locally is a good way to save energy. There's an option on etsy that allows you to see which shops are near you. You can also try to buy crafting supplies locally if you have craft stores near you. Also, taking the bus, biking or walking to craft stores (or any craft events like craft fairs) can save energy.

Make crafts for gifts. If you're crafter, making handmade items for friends and family members during birthdays and holidays is a great way to be green and save money. Handcrafted gifts are also much more personal and memorable. If you don't make crafts, buying from shops with handcrafted items is a great way to support these shops instead of buying from big corporations.

Hope these ideas helped out. What ways are you green in your life or etsy shop?

1 comment:

The Stewart Stuff said...

Thanks for sharing those great earth-friendly ideas!!! I love an earth friendly friend!!!
-10oneworld on Etsy

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