
Monday, September 6, 2010

Embroidered Cards at Etsy Labs

The second Etsy lab event I went to was on July 19th. It was cupcake night (they had free cupcakes) and they had two crafts going on - needle felted pinback buttons and embroidered cards. I made an embroidered card.

The embroidered cards was kind of inspiring to me because it was a different way to make greeting cards than I usually do. You basically get a design (Etsy had a cupcake template out, but I used this cute drawing of a bird someone else made and added a heart) and punch holes that outline the design on to a card. Then you just sew through the holes with whatever color thread(s) you want. I used a gold/yellow color for the bird and purple for the details.

Here's me in the process of making it:

a 330

And this is how it turned out:

a 344

a 347

Have you ever made embroidered cards or been to an Etsy event?

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